Arthritis - What I Now Know...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Drug Delusion - Part 2 - How the organisms treat drugs in the body?

Drugs, or medicines if you will, are said to be laxative, antibiotic, tranquilizer, stimulant, steroid, emetic, cathartic, or have other special properties.

Let it be distinctly understood that these describe body reactions to drugs and are not the properties of drugs.

Drugs do not act. They only have capability of making chemical combinations that interfere with or destroy vital body processes.

All the actions are those of the living organisms. If drugs acted in the human body they would act in dead bodies as well as living ones.

By changing the general name of drug substances and calling them medicines, victim’s qualms are put at rest. And the pharmacological and treating professions imagine they are scientific.

Many, many years ago all large bottles of drugs were taken to the drug stores and had the skull and crossbow on them Marked poison. Today you don’t see that but the drugs have not changed.

By this hocus pocus it changes its nature from a death-dealing agent to that of a life- restoring agent. It has become a healing substance.

Was ever any superstition more absurd?

The whole practice of giving poisons under the guise of medicines to cure disease is an outrage upon the human body. It deserves to be roundly and emphatically condemned.

Of course if you do not question the physicians they patronize, they you will never get off the cycle of drugs. And for heavens sake, read the long paper that by law has to come with every drug. You might just take the drug back and say no and start taking charge of our health yourself. Then with the doctors guidance you have a team.

It does not matter that taking a poison called medicine may feel better for it. Opium and marijuana users among other drug takers feel better. They really just don’t feel pain.

The tobacco smoker feels better after a cigarette, the coffee drinker feels better.

The headache sufferer feels better after aspire. The disturbed person feels better after a tranquilizer etc.

All this is illusory. What is true is that the strength and energy exhibited upon taking tonics and stimulants represents a draft upon the reserves of the body, that, rather than giving energy and strength, the substances cause the body to summon its remaining resources to expel the offenders.

Do drugs save lives? The common view is that deadly drugs serve a life-saving end. It would seem apparent that lives have been saved by the drug penicillin. Blood transfusions are credited with countless lives saved. Intravenous feeding is credited with life-saving virtues.

Complied statistics by the defenders of these practices would seem to bear out the contentions. But, if their reasoning is followed to the logical end—if their premises are examined and the alternatives considered, their argument land in a quaking bog that quickly swallows them up.

A simple truth that over the last hundred years or so at any time around the world that doctors go on strike, the hospitals have less patients and the death rate goes down.

Years and years ago a doctor friend told me if you want to stay well stay out of the hospital.

Over 400,000 die each year from either the wrong drug given or by misdiagnosing the problem.

I am 79 Due to an accident I had two spinal operations and a hip replacement and let me tell you I wish I had never stepped foot in the place. These were spread over 6 years and today although in great health I have limited motion in my back due to the two operations that ultimately fused 4 vertebra in my lower spine, muscles were cut and I have constant pain across my lower back from one side to the under and a constant feeling of numbness.
I can only stand for 8 minutes at a time and can only walk about 50 feet before having to stop. And then I pay the price later.

I know the doctors did the best they could with what they know but I should have passed.

You can be healthier... E-mail me and I will show you how.


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The Drug Delusion Part 1 - Are the benefits what the medical world claims?

Drugs are credited with benefits that are spurious and wholly the figment of unthinking acceptance of appearances.

Because the drug delusion is so easily demonstrated and proven to be poor and flimsy fiction, the practice off drug medication would seem an easy target to destroy.

But those looking for the Magic of “Cure” sustain it.

Because humans insist on indulging perverted practices and refuse to recognize their sufferings to be the results of their own flaunting the laws of life-because they believe that the human body, like mechanical contrivances, can be “fixed up”.

Because they believe that they have been invaded by devils of some sort, germs, viruses, they believe in drugs.

Americans are pitifully exploited for sticking with these beliefs. There is BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS at stake in keeping us believing that drugs cure. So we not only pay economically but more tragically, physically.

We are led to be unconcerned about our way of life. The television urges us to overeat and don’t worry the gas and side effects can be over come with this drug or that drug. Go ahead and indulge all the causes of disease and suffering. These “NEW” drugs will five you relief.

They keep telling us they are on the verge of a cure for cancer. So why should you worry about this now. The medical profession hasn’t cured anything. They don’t even have a cure for the common cold.

They hide the side effects of the drugs way back in the last pages of their literature that tells you what these side effects are. Some are much worse than what you are taking the drug for.

Have you even read the literature that the pharmacist has to give you? Most have not or they did not read far. The print is too small. They just take the drug and when they have side effects the doctor assures them that they have a drug to overcome the side effects. Sound familiar?

I was led down that path for 43 years.

Then a few years after a new miracle drug hits the market they “discover ? “ that there are more deaths from taking the drug than they factored in. They pay off some law suits and continue on.

Your health issues come from the lack of care you have given to your body. To the way you eat and live. To the fact that you are not giving your immune system the minerals and nutrients needed to keep your cells healthy so they can destroy unhealthy cells.

We do not want to admit that they way we have treated our own bodies is wrong.

It is known that giving a healthy person drugs you can make them quite sick. We are fed the allusion that if we give a drug that makes a well person sick, will, if given to a person who is sick, that they will be restored to health.

Dr. James Jackson observed: Is it not monstrous in the sphere of physical life to tell a an in health that what will make him sick when well, will make him well when sick, as it is in the sphere of moral life of meant to say that what will make a holy man unholy, will make a depraved man pure?

There is a deadly and irrepressible antagonism between vital instincts of the living body and poisons. The antagonism of the living organism to the presence of poisons is absolute and not relative.

That is, it makes no difference by whom or how poisons are given, nor at what time of day or night they are administered, to whom they are given, or the condition of the person taking them – the poisonous character of medicines is not affected by circumstances.

As soon as a drug is taken the powers of life, such as they may be, devote themselves to the task of expelling the poisons.

There is too much more to say on this subject for this week so I will continue in next week’s newsletter.

Am I too vehement? To judgmental? Too naïve? I think not. I have studied this for 25 years. The conclusion is irrefutable. Give the body what it needs and your body will repair itself.

Is this 100%? No, some people wait too long and make it too hard for the body to respond. We are all different.

You can be healthier... E-mail me and I will show you how. mailto:arthritislady@cureyourarthritis

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